Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Growing Up

I am living alone for the first time in my life and i LOVE it.  How the hell am I going to go back to having a roommate for my final year of law school?  Living alone has really taught me to be more confident in my decisions.  I don't constantly second guess myself by asking for a second opinion.  I just do what I want.  Go with the flow.  It has been very eye-opening.  While I am very outgoing I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I talk too much.  I talk too much about myself at least.  I tell people my problems way too openly.  Stuff like that I think you should protect.  Keep close to your heart.  Because at the end of the day it's you and you alone who really knows how to solve your problem.  It's so cliche to say I'm trying to find myself but seriously that is what I am doing.  You also EAT a lot less when you live alone. Always a plus.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Nice ppl win.

I won.  See previous post.  WOOP!  Mean people suck.  It's great to prevail when someone does you dirty.  That mean's I am going to have SO much work to do next year during my last year of school but I'm ready for it. I'm in love with a boy that is graduating.  I have about 7 papers to write but all I can think about is what I should get him for graduation.  Sigh...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

being mean

As a law school student you would think that your peers would be professional and mature.  Most are.  But there are some truly out of whack people.  Most often I encounter the "me, me, ME" type.  Everything and I mean absolutely everything has to be about them.  They brag to you that they are the only one that got the A on the memo assignment just to hear your praise- Oh yes you are SO amazing for that raggedy ass A.  I hope you feel fullfilled now that you have bragged and forced me to render some type of positive fake comment.

What is wrong with these people?

It's not just about me,me,me either but they are actually mean.  I am currently being bullied by a girl that will become an attorney before the year ends.  She is awful.  Behind your back, manipulates your friends against you kind of person.  My question is - aren't you too old for that? No seriously, you are a full grown adult that bullies people and tries to point out their flaws and weakenesses for your own pesonal gain. I am SO opposite of this kind of person that she often pushes me around with little reply from me.  I just let her bitch and try to contiue what I was doing before.  It is not only appalling but scary that adults still act this way.  I hope she gets it good in the workplace where there is no tolerance for her kind of behavior.  I hope I succeed one day because of my politeness.  In the end that is how things should work.  This girl can't honestly think she will get ahead in life by manipulating people right?

why does selfishness, being manipulative, and always needing attention go hand in hand?  Maybe she was a loser in college and now shes trying to make up for all the bitchassness she always wanted to be.  If anything it's sad.  Why do they always need the satisfaction that they are the best?  She will never get mine.  Forgive me, I just don't like mean people.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mad Men ZOMG!

Look, I know its all over the news.  But seriously I cannot wait for horrible awful Betty Draper shenanigans to begin on Mad Men this Sunday.  Geez, that lady is the WORST.  I of course also cannot wait to see that beautiful man out of a dream- Jon Hamm.  But seriously, how does January Jones pull of that horrible twisted bitch face all day everyday?    She looks.. so mean.  Like cold.  Rude.  I could so see her giving a side eye bitchy enough to make me cry.  She's just so dry too.  Have you ever seen her on a late night show?  Her personality is like paint.  You don't even need to watch it dry.  With all that said I'm pretty convinced she does about 7% acting on mad men and 93% just walking around being her normal bitch self.  I mean does anyone remember when she SLAPPED Sally Draper?  Ridic.  I can't wait for this season.  Sally is a teenager now so hopefully at some point she slaps the shit out of January.  What a weird bitch name anyway.  January is a shitty cold month besides new years so now we know why she acts like that.  Anywho, I will obviously follow up after the premiere.  Don Draper is yummm.  See funky mean January on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. pink highlighted bitch jan        

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

i LOVE snl... like its kinda weird

does anyone else re-watch favorite snl skits over and over?  Does anyone else really live for the amy poehler and mya randolph concoction of Bronx Beat?  Do certain SNL skits make you laguh after 8 times in?  I'm just saying.. I bought a "Stefon" shirt, its in the mail and I could not be happier.  There is something about laughing that I just love.  I LOVE stand up comedy including Louis CK, Aziz Ansari, Patrice O'Neal, Nick Swardson, Dane Cook etc.  I don't care that they are not exactly "unknown cool comedians."  They are mainstream, and hilarious, and I love them.  I could listen to Aziz Ansari, in my car, completely alone, and still laugh hysterically on my 15x listening to it.  That skit about CVS gets me EVERY time.  Hilarious.  As a law student, free time is limited.  I find myself cherishing what I choose to listen to when I get out of the shower, as I get dressed etc.  Comedy gets me every time.  Its the best way to start the day.  I took my boy-i-hope-will-be-my-boyfriend to see Paul Mooney on our first date and I think it is the sole reason why I have enough cool points to have kept his interest through this entire semester.  Please cross your fingers ya'll (im country) because I want us to work.  Posts on "him" will be coming soon.  Please OH Please bring a smile to my face on a Monday morning at 9am on my way to tax class.  I LOVE to laugh.  Thank you SNL for weekend updates.  My absolute fav.
Gnight "ya'll".

Friday, March 16, 2012

My Strange (weird/fake/disgusting) Addiction

The show called "My Strange Addiction" that comes on TLC is sad in a pitiful kinda way.  Like it's absolutely disgusting.  And it's fake.  Everyone in this world knows if the only thing you have eaten in the past 10 years is cheesy potatoes you would be dead.  The most recent episode featured a man who was in an intimate relationship with his car and a woman who had been huffing baby powder since she was 10 yrs old.  This show is fake.  There's just no way.  That lady should move on to baby powder and huff on some real mess because if that's what she loves to do then she needs to get to the point.  In other news, after I wasted approx. 15 minutes of my life that I will never get back watching that mess on tv I promptly opened my mac, went straight to google (duh), and searched people in love with inanimate objects.  It turns out that there is an actual disorder called sexual objectification where people believe inanimate objects have feelings and thus they fall in love with them etc.  But mind you- this isn't just love.  These people are talking full on sexual relationships with fences, doors, bridges, you name it.  One woman in the film has had sex with a church banister but I digress.  Apparently the inanimate objects communicate with them via telepathy (nbd).  If you want to go ALL the way there... feel free to look at the totally creepy documentary on youtube about a woman, whose last name is Eiffel, because -you guessed it- she married the Eiffel Tower.  The film crew accompanies her to the Eiffel Tower one year after their marriage so that she can consummate their love for one another.  Seriously?  Can you tell that I am on spring break?  Let's hope that I never again have time to write about such ludicrous happenings ever again.  Please be entertained (?) by the documentary, and one of my strange addiction favorites below.

mrs. eiffel

she eats nail polish. for reals

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Why do I only have time for facebook?

It's been well over a year since I have blogged.  Sorry. Kinda.  Been busy?   I'm going to have to change the name of this blog if I continue writing because I am no longer a 1L.  I am now a 2.5L thank the lord above.  I would like to be honest for a few moments about my internet experience mainly consists of to see if anyone else feels the same way.  WHY do I always HAVE to check facebook?  I would say that I don't care.  But that would be a flat out lie.  I guess because I'm turning 25 next month I feel the urge to click-click away to see who's the latest married/engaged couple.  But honestly- what has kept me coming back to that site religiously since I was 18 yrs old?  Why is facebook like a drug?  It's like a meth-like itch.  Especially now with those notifications to even show you what you've missed in the past 4 hrs that you've been away.  Completely ridiculous.  Will I ever grow out of it?  I wish I was the bigger person.  "I wish I knew how to quit you"!!! Like seriously.  I wish I didn't feel this need for facebook.  I want to make a clean break.  Maybe one day.  After law school.  I'll be strong...